mercoledì 4 aprile 2018

Laboratorio "Te Lo Spiego Io L'inglese" (2) MIND MAPS


today we are going to learn how to make mind maps using a free online service called
But first of all, let's have a closer look at some mind maps about English vocabulary.

Step 1
Here are some links I gave you last time but I'd like you to better explore. Please, give a further insight:

Step 2
Now go to the following link:

If you want to Sign in, first, log in with your Gmail account, otherwise, you can use it without registering.

Step 3
Take an English textbook and choose 2 or 3 topics with your partner. Make a mind map about the topics you have chosen. Don't worry if you don't know how to use the program. Have a try, make your attempts, and raise your hand if you need help.


1 commento:

  1. Mind mapping is a fun exercise which helps you capture and visualize ideas to gain insights of the business project. Mind Maps are proven to be the most effective productivity tool used widely today, and this has a significant impact on the performance of businesses! This is why its best to use a Mind Mapping Software to get the job done!
