giovedì 14 aprile 2022

Native americans and Europeans

My dears,
qui un interessante link sul genocidio degli europei a danno dei nativi americani:

The Environment

My dear students,
qui un testo sui proplemi ambientali, affinchè possiate avere anche la pronuncia mi sono attivato per leggere e registrare il brano.  Potete riascoltare i file quante volte volete. Si tratta di un video youtube con l'audio della registrazione (il video è sotto la fotografia della pagina, cliccate play per ascoltare la registrazione).

Mi raccomando, ascoltate, mettete in pausa e ripetete. Cercate di imitare il più possibile, prendeteci anche gusto, fate finta di essere degli imitatori e divertitevi. Solo così potrete migliorare la vostra pronuncia.

Martin Luther King

Dear Students,
eccoci qua con nuovo materiale. Questa volta si tratta di un testo su Martin Luther King. Anche in questo caso non avevamo la lettura del brano e ho pensato di fornirvi un file audio per sopperire alla mancanza. Ho voluto darvi una lettura autentica e ho chiesto a Grace di leggerlo per voi. Grace è una ragazzina quasi della vostra età, appena uno o due anni più giovane di voi (ha 12 anni) che vive a Londra e che ci ha fatto la cortesia di leggere il brano affinchè possiate avere una pronuncia originale del sud Inghilterra.
Era la prima volta che Grace faceva una cosa del genere e devo dire che è stata davvero molto brava. C'è solo un piccolo errore di distrazione: la data 1956 viene letta da Grace 'nineteen fifty-nine' invece di 'fifty-six' ma, a parte questo, abbiamo un'ottima pronuncia originale che vi aiuterà a migliorare la vostra presentazione.
Ringraziamo Grace e sfruttiamo al meglio questo materiale.

Per vedere il testo più grande potete cliccare sull'immagine in alto, e per sentire la registrazione cliccate sul link del video qui in basso caricato su youtube (potete anche ampliare la finestra del video cliccando sull'angolo in basso a destra per lo schermo intero).


Buon lavoro... and bye bye!


Dear students,
today we speak about 'addiction'.

Text A
Addiction is when the body or mind badly wants or needs something in order to work right. When you have addiction to something it is called being addicted or being an addict. People can be addicted to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, and many other things.
When somebody is addicted to something, they can become sick if they do not get the thing they are addicted to. But taking more of the thing they are addicted to can also hurt their health. Some people who are addicts need to go to a doctor or hospital to cure the addiction, so they no longer crave (want or need) the drug.
Addiction takes place when the addictive element enters the body. The blood stream moves the element around the body so that it gets to the brain, and makes the person feel that they are enjoying it; then they want more of that substance. This takes place remarkably fast for some addictions such as hashish and cocaine; but all of them control the consumer. Once under this control, the consumer does not have a completely free will, and listens to the addiction's bidding.
People can also be addicted to other things which are not drugs. You may hear people talk about being "addicted to the Internet" or "addicted to chocolate" or gambling. This means that they get into a habit of enjoying that thing, so if they have to go without it for a while, they miss it a lot.

Text B

Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore

Text C
Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore

Text D

Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore.

Text E

Another bad and very serious addictive habit is gambling.
Gambling is a diverse activity, so different types of gambling addiction exist as well. It is not always obvious when someone is addicted to gambling. Contrary to popular belief, the act of gambling is not restricted to slot machines, cards and casinos. Purchasing a lottery ticket, entering a raffle or making a bet with a friend are also forms of gambling.
Gambling addiction can occur when a person feels that they are in financial ruin and can only solve their problems by gambling what little they have in an attempt to get a large sum of money. Unfortunately, this almost always leads to a cycle in which the gambler feels they must win back their losses, and the cycle goes on until the person is forced to seek rehabilitation to break their habit.
Another type of gambling addiction results when a gambler plays the games and makes risky bets to experience the emotional high associated with taking huge risks that occasionally pay off. In both cases, the person affected by this addiction must have the desire to stop the behavior, not just to please family and friends. 

The signs of a gambling problem are often the same as the signs of other addictions. Common signs of addiction include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Feeling the need to be secretive about gambling
  • Having trouble controlling gambling habits
  • Gambling when you cannot afford to
  • Your friends and family express concern about your gambling
Of course, as with any other addiction, the hallmark sign of a gambling problem is that you feel you cannot stop.


Dear students,
here is some info about nutrition.


Nutrition provides the cells of an organism with food, in a form they can use. Organisms need food to be able to keep their bodies working properly. They also need food to be able to do certain things. Malnutrition can happen when a person doesn't eat the right amount of nutrients. They can get better by changing their diet so it has the right amount of nutrients.

The six main types of nutrient are carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water. A macronutrient is a nutrient that needs to be eaten a lot. A micronutrient is needed in smaller amounts but it is still important. Carbohydrates are devided into 'complex carbohydrates' and 'simple carbohydrates'. Complex carbohydrates are more nutritious than simple carbohydrates. They take longer to digest. Because they stay in the stomach for longer they leave the person who has eaten them feeling fuller for longer. Protein is needed for building cells. It is found in meat, beans, and eggs. Protein is made of amino acids. Fat is found naturally in some foods. People often eat it in processed foods such as cakes and chocolate. It is high in energy. Omega 3 and omega 6 fats are needed by the body. There are saturated and unsaturated fats. It is recommended that people avoid the saturated type. It has been linked with heart disease.
Most people eat three meals a day. Eating every few hours keeps blood sugar stable.


Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore

Balanced Diet

Proteins help in growth and repair of body. Vitamins and minerals protect our body from various diseases. Dietary fibres help to get rid of undigested food. Water plays a very important role in our body. Water helps us to get rid of liquid wastes in the form of sweat and urine. Water also helps us to absorb the dissolved nutrients. Such a diet which contains all the nutrients in right amounts is called a balanced diet. Balanced diet helps in proper growth and maintenance of our body.

Junk Food

Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore

Why too much sugar is bad for your health? 

1. Weak Immune System – Sugar weakens the immune system which causes Hypoglycaemia, Also known as low blood sugar, is when blood sugar decreases to below normal levels. This results in weakness and loss of energy. High sugar weakens the immune system by creating an imbalance in the digestive tract between the good and bad micro-organisms. 
2. Acidity – Maximum sugar intake causes acidity, and symptoms are - I. Stomach pain II. Restlessness III. Nausea IV. Arthritis and joint pain V. Headache etc. 
3. Diabetes - Why excess of sugar is bad, the major reason behind this is Diabetes. Experiment - Put tooth in soft drink for 24hrs, after 24hrs, we can observe decay of tooth. It happens mainly due to high sugar is present in soft drink. 
Solutions - Can have sugar free breakfast and Fruits, dry fruits instead of cookies or industrial snacks. Can replace sugar with honey.


Reference: 'Dream-Like Civiltà Inglese' by Maddalena Cascone and Vanessa Rowley, Loffredo Editore

The healthy/unhealthy quiz

Remember: red meat and cheese are considered healthy food only in small amounts!